Protect Your Way of Life

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Protect Your Way of Life

There are some things in life you just can't put a price tag on. Be prepared and protect these most precious parts of your life from the unexpected.

Take steps to safeguard your financial well-being with the care, comfort and confidence of protection for all life's ups and downs.

Our Products


Hospital Care Program 

Accidental Death, Total Permanent Disability

In difficult times, you can trust us


We are together, in every big or small challenge that can be found in your way 

Extra Secure

We cover the time you need for yourself

Medical Expenses due to Accident

Compensation for Medical Expenses due to an Accident - We deal effectively with unexpected events

Lady Care

Innovative and affordable exclusively for women

Compensation for Disability

Compensation for Disability as a result of an Accident or Illness - For the unexpected we have the solutions




Monthly Medical Care Allowance

We make sure you return to your routine as easily as possible
























Find the MediCare plan here


For whatever purposes you need insurance, we got you covered. Click below to find out more about our products.



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