Extra Secure

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Extra Secure

We cover the time you need for yourself


Sometimes the time we need for ourselves can be more than usual, which is why we need support to meet our daily needs.

In case we are unable to work due to a health issue or that the cost of treatment is high, the Serious Illness program MetLife Extra Secure enables us to meet any need that may arise and ensure that our daily lives will not be affected, while ensuring a calm and fast recovery of our health.

Coverage Description

The insured receives the insured capital in a lump sum, if he is alive 30 days after the date diagnosis of a predetermined illness, as stated in the insurance policy and if this illness has occurred for the first time at least 3 months after the date of commencement of the Contract or any resumption in force. In addition, the program provides a 2nd medical opinion in case of Serious Illnesses from recognized US Medical Centers. 

Advantages of the Program:

  • Exemption from the financial consequences of a serious, unpredictable illness, as it offers additional financial suppor
  • The lump sum is provided independently of another insurance policy, it is not related to medical expenses and does not require admission to a hospitalI 
  • It is offered for all categories of professions, without any restrictions
  • Provision of 2nd medical opinion with simple procedures from leading US Medical Centers

Product Characteristics

  • Age of Admission: from 18 years and over
  • Minimum Insured Amount: €5,000
  • Maximum Insured Amount: €200,000

Covered Diseases

Extra Secure (32 Diseases)

Extra Secure (7 Diseases)




Heart Attack



Coronary heart disease that requires surgery






Renal Failure



Blindness (Loss of Vision)



Vital Organ Transplant




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Coverage is provided for treatment worldwide with the condition that the permanent residence of the insured is Cyprus, unless otherwise provided by a specific plan.

The premium is an annual advance unless payment has been agreed in installments and must be paid on the due date, or at the latest before the 31-day grace period for the payment of the premium expires.

The premium is paid by direct debit of a bank account, via credit cards, online or by deposit in designated bank accounts of the Company.

The insurance starts on the date of writing the application, provided that the company has accepted it and the first installment of the premiums has been paid.

Coverage is provided after the first 30 days from the start of any hospital treatment or surgery for any illness, after 180 days in the case of hospitalization abroad and after 12 months from the start - for specific illnesses mentioned in the insurance policy.

The coverage ends with the death of the insured, or in case of cancellation of the insurance policy, or at the specified expiration age, or at the specified expiration date, or in case of untimely and invalid payment of the insurance premium or in case of violation of one or more terms of the insurance policy.


Get in touch for more information.